Wednesday 28 September 2011

Fantasy Football Update

Just a quick up date on how the the TID Fantasy Football League is going.

After 6 games of the season, Von is edging out Kieran by 9 points to hold on to first position, while Paul is slightly further behind, but still well within reach.

The team made up from players with (mostly) TID nationalities is bringing up the rear. This team has had a few injuries of late, so we'll wait until the end of the season before making too many judgements!

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Falkland Islands Oiled Wildlife Facility

We and our clients here at TID have made a donation to the The Oiled Wildlife Facility Appeal which is building a new oiled penguin facility on the Falkland Islands to replace the old one which unfortunately has never had electricity or water.

As well as the buildings, proper pools are being built to aid the rehabilitation of the penguins. Species rare in the Falklands, such as Chinstrap penguins, have turned up oiled with other successfully treated species include Gentoo, King, and Rockhopper penguins.

Building permission has been approved and the appeal is going well having now reached over the £8,000 mark. With a £10,000 target, it is nearing its goal but still needs that final push!

It's a vitally important project and a noble cause - click here to go to the site if you wish to help out too.

Monday 26 September 2011

Things are on the up!

After we highlighted last months football dreamland for Guyana at the expense of Wales, things are looking good for our next door neighbours, and not just in sport!

Wales are improving at football, (up 27 in the latest FIFA rankings) and are doing their bit to help save the rainforest.

Through donations to a cause named 'Size of Wales' run by the The Waterloo Foundation, the Welsh are striving to save an area of rainforest the size of (... you guessed it) Wales. The project area includes parts of Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania (a TID destination), Mozambique, as well as some offshore islands.

So far 400,000 trees have been planted, and sustainable projects set up to help earn an extra $65,000, though initiatives such as eco-tourism, herbal products and selling honey.